Monday, February 1, 2010


Went to Edinburgh with CIEE again, same exact trip we took last semester, but good time nonetheless. I wandered with some new CIEE Goldsmiths students the first day and hit up a couple pubs, not too late though. Slept til 10 the next day, had breakfast at the Elephant House (where J.K. Rowling wrote 'Harry Potter') then took a bus out to the harbor and toured the Royal Yacht Britannia, then back and toured Holyrood House (palace). Then I met up with a CSer and we wandered along a stream in dean village, then briefly visited a portrait exhibition. We went to his favorite pub which had beer from all over the world and I got a typical Edinburgh one and he got Sam Adams, haha. Then we had dinner at Edinburgh University student union, which looks like a castle. Then he needed to go charge his phone and we were gonna meet up later at the hostel, but for some reason I didn't get his text until really late at night, so we never got to meet up again, very sad. But it was a good (and extremely late) night, four hours of sleep and an early train back to London.
Today is a lazy day, still congested and now I have a pretty bad cough. Going to the post office to pick up a package, either my camera filters or my sister's b-day present. Eating dry cereal for breakfast, so I'm also off to Sainsburys because I have no food.

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