So I’ve decided to compile a list of strange things that I've seen here in Moshi...I'm not even surprised when I see things like this anymore.
- The usual daladala, which is a public bus about the size of a VW microbus, but crammed with at least 40 people. A friend of mine was on one once with a random little boy on her lap, and the boy had a bag in his lap. Then she noticed the bag was moving. It was a live chicken.
- A pikipiki (motorcycle) with at least 20 of those big 5 gallon buckets strapped to the back, like a bunch of balloons.
- Pick-up trucks full of men with guns.
- Big cargo trucks packed with 100 people standing in the back.
- Two pikipikis, each with a wooden crate strapped to the back, with live pigs in them.
- Cows standing up in the bed of an old pick-up.
- A goat skull on the ground on the way to work.
- A cargo truck full of home goods, with a man strapped to the back. Just hanging there off the back, tied on with a rope, completely at ease.
- Walking down the street and having some guy ask me if I wanted the live bird he was holding in his hand, “just as a gift” (pronounced jift).
- A friend of mine saw a wheel barrow full of half-alive chickens.
- Women walking around with one shoe balanced on their head.
And here's some more Swahili for your thoughts...
Kesho kutwa - Day after tomorrow.
bafu - bathroom
tabasamu - smile
maharage - beans
wali - rice
Hii ni nini? - What is this? (literally speaking "here is what?")
dakika - minute
ahidi - to promise
kwapua - to steal
tayari? - ready?
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